What data is automatically synced with AMP pages?

The data you save on your Shopify Admin Panel will be translated automatically to your AMP pages. Our app takes the latest information about your Product pages, Collections, Blog, Blog Posts, metafields etc. to create your AMP pages. 

Google places restrictions on CSS and on scripts in order to make sure that your pages are lightning fast. There are 2 implications of this: 

1) Look and Feel - the base design of your Shopify pages and CSS does not translate to your AMP pages which is why our app builds themes from scratch to help you with the look and feel of your AMP pages. 

2) Apps: Google's restrictions on scripts may mean that some of your apps may not work with your AMP pages unless there are custom integrations built. Data from third-party apps listed on our integrations page, such as product reviews apps and analytics (Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel), will stay updated automatically on your AMP pages. Third-party apps that update your product inventory or data and save that information to Shopify will continue to work as our app syncs and reflects information stored on Shopify. Remember that most of the data you have in Shopify will reflect and sync on your AMP pages. . 

Please contact us if you need custom integrations for an app you use or if you want to build a theme that more closely reflects your Shopify site or if you have any questions.

AmpifyMe team 💙

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