Why am I seeing traffic from from "cdn.ampproject.org"?

Cdn.ampproject.org is Google's "AMP Cache" domain. Getting traffic from there means you're getting organic visitors from Google who are finding your AMP pages in search results.  This is great news! 

Google delivers your AMP pages from the "cdn.ampproject.org" cache domain.  This is one of the reasons that AMP pages load even faster when coming from a search engine like Google - they are cached. You may also see "referral traffic" coming from "cdn.ampproject.org", because when someone finds your AMP page in Google Search, they are on "cdn.ampproject.org", and then when they click onto your site, then "cdn.ampproject.org" becomes the referrer.  This again is good for you because it means that you are getting traffic sent your way. 

Optional: Session stitching
One side effect is that as cdn.ampproject.org is a different domain from your store, it may result in  inflated bounce rates because of sessions not being tracked properly between domains.  While not necessary, to prevent the cdn.ampproject.org domain from inflating bounce rates, Google recommends you add a referral exclusion for the domain "cdn.ampproject.org". 
To do this: 
  1. Step 1: Sign into your Google Analytics account by going to https://analytics.google.com.
  2. Step 2: Click “Admin” from the lower left corner
  3. Step 3: In the ACCOUNT column, use the dropdown to select the Analytics account that contains the property you want to work with.
  4. Step 4: In the PROPERTY column, use the dropdown to select your property.
  5. Step 5: Click Tracking Info.
  6. Step 6: Click Referral Exclusion List.
  7. Step 7: To add a domain, click + ADD REFERRAL EXCLUSION.
  8. Step 8: Enter cdn.ampproject.org.
  9. Step 9: Click “Create”. This will save your referral exclusion
If you need more information about this, you can read about it on Google's support blog here: https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/7486764?hl=en.  When reading the blog, please note that AMP for Shopify uses "Option 3: analytics.js".  Please note that all of the necessary "linker" parameters and <amp-analytics> scripts are handled for you, and all you have to do is add the referral exclusion as described above.

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